AKC GCH., Int. CH., Fox Valley Makin' Waves Rosewood, JE, CGC
Sire: Ch. Eastlake Beacon - Dam: CH. Fox Valley Celebration
Award of Merit |
Best of Breed |
Woody Wins Grand Championship!

At 8 years old, Woody enjoys showing and is still winning Best of Breed! He's recently been awarded his Grand Championship at the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers show.
Watch for some of Woody's new puppies being shown this summer!
Watch for some of Woody's new puppies being shown this summer!
****** Woody is at stud to approved bitches only ******
Wood is the sire to Ch. Ratrace Surfer Girl Rosewood "Crush"
who is the current #1 PRT in the US with the AKC Breed point standings.
CHIC #: 41122
BAER (hearing): Normal
CERF (eyes): Normal
PLL (eyes): Normal
LOA - Clear
PATELLA (knees): Normal
SCA - Clear
who is the current #1 PRT in the US with the AKC Breed point standings.
CHIC #: 41122
BAER (hearing): Normal
CERF (eyes): Normal
PLL (eyes): Normal
LOA - Clear
PATELLA (knees): Normal
SCA - Clear
Carol & Steve Howton |
(503) 581-1648 |